False fairytales and twisted fantasies, a few of the gifts he gave you so you think you understand love.
You got carried away by the fragrance of perfumes, the beauty of red roses, the mystery behind wrapped boxes, the probability that keeps you stuck on probabilities, and a dinner of insecurities, unsure who really needs you.
Constantly wondering what you would have to do, so he wouldn’t leave you,  you seem to forget I said I would never leave you nor forsake you.
But I stood… I stood afar off where you placed me and watched, I watched him deceive you with caustic comments of me, the same old tricks. And like swift gazelle you raced into his arms and became enslaved as he’s desires ruled you.
Walked with him through the part that seemed right, but too short sighted to see the destruction that abounds at the end.
I called your cell early that morning so I could give you your daily bread, but you were fast asleep in the bed of lies he made you lie on. Its no wonder you starve, but he still feeds off your vulnerabilities, he knows what your weakness is, but my strength is made perfect in your weaknesses.
I wrote you a bunch of love letters, 66 to be precise, precisely the amount of times you’ve ignored me just today.
I remember when you couldn’t have enough of me, when all you wanted was to spend time with me. You looked forward to having me come to you at dusk, so we could spend quality time, that used to be your love language.
But that changed since he came bearing gifts, a showery bouquet of deception, accompanied with cleaver and persuasive words, speaking a language of lust, using tongue twisters to leave your soul twisted.
But I want you back, even when you hurt me, I still love you.
Can’t you see? I have given my all for you, I was led like a sheep to the slaughter.
And for times you told me to go to Hell, I took your word for it, I literally went to Hell so you wouldn’t have to.
But I’m back, I resurrected with all power and might, just call my name and watch the chains he bound you with fall to pieces.
I am your WARRIOR, your HERO, and most of all your LOVER…… I AM LOVE.


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